1 Ocak 2013 Salı

Man arrested for gun threats in road rage incident

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Big Pine Key – A 42 year old South Carolina man was arrestedFriday, charged with pulling a gun during a road rage incident that took placeChristmas Eve on Big Pine Key.

Deputies responded to Key Deer Boulevard December 24that 10 a.m. When he arrived, the two vehicles – a black Dodge Challenger and awhite BMW convertible - and two couples involved were still on the scene.
The victims live on Allamanda Lane on Big Pine Key. Thesuspect and his wife are from Bonneau, South Carolina. They were staying at ahome on Narcissus Avenue on Big Pine Key.
Stories varied when everyone was interviewed, however thetwo vehicles were on Watson Boulevard and turned onto Key Deer Boulevard whenthe incident took place. The victim, who drives the Challenger, said thesuspect, Travis Wolfe, was driving slowly in his BMW; he said he tried to passbut Wolfe wouldn’t let him pass. At some point, when they were in the vicinityof Walgreen’s, the two driver’s began yelling at each other.  During the confrontation, Wolfe showed thevictim a handgun.
The two vehicles continued down the road, turning into theUnited Methodist Parking lot. Both couples called 911 to report the incidentand deputies responded.
Wolfe admitted to showing the handgun to the other manduring the confrontation. He said he did it because he was afraid and feltthreatened.
Two handguns were recovered from the car driven by Wolfe;one – a Ruger .380 caliber semi-automatic handgun - belonged to Wolfe and wasin the glove compartment; the other -  afive shot Smith and Wesson revolver - belonged to his wife and was foundbeneath a pile of towels on the rear floorboards.
A warrant was obtained for Wolfe’s arrest and he was bookedinto jail on Friday on charges of improper exhibition of a firearm.

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