30 Eylül 2012 Pazar

Poking Fun At Cell Phone Fears

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Source: SmartGridNews.com

I love when the technology worshipers get all condescending...

"Just for the record -- we don't object to people who sincerely believe that ("smart") meters emit harmful radiation (though we do wonder why they didn't protest when microwave ovens and cellular phones were introduced)."

The comment the article wouldn't let me post:

Really? Do you really wonder that? Because it's pretty simple, actually: we're just now finding out that the radiation is harmful. The US Navy has been studying the health effects of microwave radiation and as of the early 70's they had thousands of articles referenced....but nobody ever let anyone know. Now that we've got the Net, well, we've been able to find out about these things.
Back in the day of microwaves, there was no internet. Now there's an internet and information can be shared. Information about public safety and health that manufacturers and powers that be didn't want us to know about before because it might have affected their bottom line.

(I might also have replied that George Carlo's studies were suppressed in the 1990's and that's why no one protested about the cell phones.)

Matt Fisken said:

By definition, "progress" must produce an overall improvement in the human condition. Wireless smart meters are creating a "progress trap," bursting massive amounts of RF emissions into the air and negatively affecting power quality to potentially save some CO2 emissions. Even smart grid shills will admit that RF heats water molecules, so it would be wise for y'all to consider the effects microwave energy has on the atmosphere and climate change.

The argument that those who opt-out should pay to do so is absurd. The smart grid is already socialized through our taxes and the ARRA of 2009, (American Reinvestment and Recovery Act...billions!) so it makes no sense that those who can see through this con would be asked to pay extra.

If you believe you need a new computer or piece of software, would you expect someone who is content with their old system to subsidize your purchase? Should non-smokers be taxed to help pay for people's cigarettes? Maybe everyone should get a free government issued cell phone and those who don't want one should have to pay for the "privilege" of using an existing landline.

If you really want a product that emits random and frequent bursts of harmful radiation, you should pay for it out of pocket and those who opt out, making do with their perfectly good analog meter, should get a refund.

What it boils down to is that you are getting paid to pretend these things aren't dangerous. The "fringe" who are unafraid to stand up to this tyranny are receiving no money and are working to help people, not their bottom line.

"Analog phobia" is a new condition where people become afraid of anything with moving parts, causing them to obsessively replace functional equipment with digital gear. Is it really so hard to read those little dials and report your usage by phone, email or post card? You don't need a smart meter to turn off a light switch or turn down a thermostat.

Ron Gordon said:

There are no 'benefits' to 'smart meters', except to the corporations forcing them on us. The safety of these W.H.O. Class 2B 'possible carcinogens' has not been proven and is very much in doubt. People did not complain when microwave ovens and cell phones were introduced because they are not bolted to the side of your home against your will and on 24/7/365...and they are on 24/7/365. The smart meter is just the start of an avalance of such devices...next you will need to purchase new 'smart' appliances. Wake up.

Joel Moscowitz, PhD said:

MONTREAL, Sept. 24, 2012 /CNW Telbec/ - Children may particularly be at risk of developing electromagnetic hypersensitivity or diseases such as cancer from overexposure to radiofrequency(RF)/microwaves emitted by smart meters and other wireless devices, say 54 experts who have authored hundreds of peer-reviewed studies on the health effects of electromagnetic fields.

"Adverse neurological effects have been reported in people who sustain close proximity to wireless meters, especially under 10 feet," says an open letter recently endorsed by the experts from 20 countries, including Yury Grigoriev, Chair of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection.

Entitled "Smart Meters: Correcting the Gross Misinformation", the letter written by Dr David Carpenter, founder of the University at Albany School of Public Health, states notably:

"Wireless smart meters typically produce… millisecond-long RF bursts on average 9,600 times a day with a maximum of 190,000 daily transmissions…

People in proximity to a smart meter are at risk of significantly greater aggregate of RF/microwave exposure than with a cell phone, not to mention the cumulative exposure received by people living near multiple meters mounted together, pole-mounted routers or utility collector meters using a third antenna to relay RF signals from 500 to 5,000 homes.''

"Many scientists and medical experts urgently recommend that measures following the Precautionary Principle be applied immediately — such as using wired meters — to reduce biologically inappropriate microwave exposure.''

Full text and list of the 54 experts : http://tinyurl.com/rfmeters

Summary by UC Berkeley School of Public Health: http://www.prlog.org/11978228

Physicist Barrie Trower warns WiFi radiation is similar to microwave weaponry

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