The M4 rifle and equipment were recovered overnight after awitness called in a Crime Stoppers tip, reporting that 17 year old KalvinCowger showed her the bag with the stolen items inside. Cowger told her he wasgoing to trade it for drugs. He later told the witness he traded the rifle andbag to a Big Pine Key man for pills.
Detective David Brummer went to the Big Pine man’s house andasked him if he had the stolen items. The man was cooperative and allowed thedetective to search his house. Inside, Detective Brummer located the M4 rifleand the SWAT gear bag. The man confirmed he received the items from Cowger, butsaid he didn’t know the items were stolen.
Another witness came forward today. He said he saw Cowger onSeptember 24th at about 5 p.m. He said Cowger offered to sell himtwo handguns. He said he refused to buy the guns. The two handguns have stillnot been recovered.
Detective Brummer later set up an interview with Cowger, whodenied knowing anything about the burglary or the stolen items. Cowger wasarrested. He was charged with possession of stolen property and theft. Morecharges and more arrests may be pending.
Detectives are still investigating. The two handguns – a .40caliber Glock and a .45 caliber Glock – are still missing. Anyone who knowswhere the guns are should call the Sheriff’s Office immediately at305-289-2351.
The witness who came forward with information which led tothe arrest of 17 year old Kalvin Cowger for stealing guns and equipment fromthe Sheriff’s Office patrol car will be receiving $1,000.00 from Crime Stoppersof the Florida Keys.
“Our thanks go out to Crime Stoppers, for offering thisreward and to the woman who came forward with information in this case. She shouldbe commended for her actions,” said Sheriff Bob Peryam. “Her information helpedto get this equipment off the streets and helped us find the suspect. Weappreciate her assistance, and her concern for the safety of the people wholive here.”
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