20 Eylül 2012 Perşembe
9/11 Truth Documentary Airing On Colorado PBS: Daily Paul
Source: Dailypaul.com
9/11 Denial
Submitted by beeman on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 00:44. Permalink
Why are so many not wanting to believe this attack was
an inside job? I think it is human nature to believe your Government has some good and would never carry out such an act of terror on it's people. I refused to believe it for 9 years because I could not fathom ever doing this to others. You have to be some kind of monster to allow this to happen!
What is happening now is just classic of what the Government has done in the past, and that is deny access and stall. Eventually it all goes away.
This is one of the reasons they couldn't allow Paul to become President. He said he would not investigate 9/11 but I think he would have allowed others access to government files.
Gold standard: because man can not be trusted to control his greed
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Read up on
Submitted by ArmorOfChrist777 on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 13:06. Permalink
Psychopathy and Ponerology.
Then you'll know they can do these things without remorse.
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Government has no conscience
Submitted by VR on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 19:16. Permalink
nor soul.
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America became an evil empire
Submitted by beeman on Thu, 09/06/2012 - 00:13. Permalink
when the Federal Reserve was voted into existence!
Gold standard: because man can not be trusted to control his greed
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You answered your own question
Submitted by NoFreedom on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 18:54. Permalink
People can't believe that Monsters really exist....very simple and this belief is what will bring this country to it's knees.
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Most people.....
Submitted by dailypauler on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 23:59. Permalink
Updating content
Will repost after improvement.
*My name is dailypauler and I am a Paulaholic. *Because some animals are more equal than other animals -Animal Farm- *A patriot is someone who supports their country all the time and the government when it deserves it. -Mark Twain-
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Not all of the WTC was sent to China...
Submitted by RevelationRevolution on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 23:35. Permalink
There is a sizable piece of steel structure from the WTC in the Oak Grove on IUP's (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) campus. It was donated by a local business and serves as memorial. I couldn't speak on its specific building origin, but I'm confident that there is lab facility nearby its current location...
Just found this:
Thoughts, feelings, concerns...
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It is so strange to me...
Submitted by Atticusdeep on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 21:39. Permalink
that so many people deny what is, to me, obvious. I do not mean this in a belittling way. I seriously wish I could understand why it is not so obvious to others. I too have a B.S. in mechanical engineering and a M.S in electrical engineering. To me, demolition is the only rational explanation for what can be seen by anyone at the push of a button, and I am 100% certain, to my core, that the buildings were demolished. I do not want to believe this, but to deny it (as I did for some time afterwards)is lying to myself.
It makes me sad nearly to the point of tears to watch the family members so innocently looking to the government for the answers, as they truly believe the government cares about and is there to protect them. The irony is that this phenomenon is exactly what makes citizens so vulnerable to the schemes and phsychological manipulations of the psychopaths in government.
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They are not only untroubled about what they've done
Submitted by holbrook on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 21:23. Permalink
they kiss their own hands about this! They just can't get enough of it!
They are demons!
They serve their father the devil.
Does that help anyone understand their mindset?
" In Thee O Lord do I put my trust " ~ Psalm 31:1~
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Submitted by DJP333 on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 20:59. Permalink
How can you deny that explosives were involved when you have all the eye witness reports starting at the 1hr 12min mark???
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Link, please
Submitted by Minarchist on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 19:55. Permalink
Link to the "Most Watched' on PBS This Week" claim, please.
"Know what you know, know what you don't know, and understand and appreciate the distinction."
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Submitted by seaweed on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 20:39. Permalink
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If jet fuel could melt steel,
Submitted by Magwan77 on Tue, 09/04/2012 - 19:49. Permalink
If jet fuel could melt steel, then boiling water or cooking food on your gas range would result in puddle of molten slag all over your kitchen and floor.
Look, if you still believe the government had nothing to do with 911, then I strongly encourage you to check into your nearest FEMA camp when SHTF. Its been 10 years. The evidence is beyond overwhelming. There is only two possible ways to swollow the gov story at this point. You have to be either utterly and completely apathetic and pay 0 attention to anything that happens outside of your sphere, or you have to have religeon-like faith in Government which does not permit you to question your precious faith with annoying things like facts, or information.
911 truth is the line in the sand that divides sheeple from people. Some of us may think its bad politics to bring it up, others may choose not to talk about it... but all of us who are awake cannot be awake without aknowledging that the official 911 story is an absolute fabrication. Even those who have never looked into it know, if on a subconcious level that bullshit is afoot. You simply cannot possess a rational mind, view the evidence objectivly and still hold on to your faith-based opinion. Not without compartmentalising the trade towers with your other superstitions.
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I love it, Mag.
Submitted by dducks on Wed, 09/05/2012 - 13:17. Permalink
Well said.
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try this
As kids we believed in Santa Claus. Our parents were the gatekeepers of information and, though benign, our environment during that formative time was a controlled one. We were taught to believe in Santa Claus. Initially we accepted all the information that we received at face value. However, as time progressed, we gained bits and pieces of information that led to a cognitive dissonance which, in turn, led us to question our image of Santa Claus. These “bits and pieces” led to questions such as “How could Santa Claus fit through my chimney” or “How does Santa Claus leave gifts in millions of homes during a single night”? Armed with all these bits and pieces of information, we began to get a different picture that caused all the previous illogic that we had learned to come crashing down. This finally led to an epiphany that Santa Claus really isn’t anything like what we had first thought!
There are other things in life that we have always taken for granted as “fact” that later prove to be only an illusion as well. It’s only a matter of getting more information. As in the case of the Santa Claus myth, it is only a matter of time as new evidence unfolds that we are forced to rethink our view on what the truth is.
I want to try an experiment here:
Please watch this first video linked here. It’s only one minute. You’ve read this far into my letter so please take just one small minute and watch this first video. You’re going to be impressed. This is a local news video of a witness named Kenny Johannemann testifying to explosions that happened in the basement of one of the WTC towers. While he is testifying you still see both of the twin towers burning behind him in the background. This was live footage and it's only ONE minute long. Go ahead and watch this here:
(YouTube Key Words: Johannemann suicide)
Those explosions were from charges that were set up to weaken the structure preparatory to pulling the tower. You say, “wait, this doesn’t fit anything I know, maybe there is some other explanation for those explosions in the basement.” True. This is just one piece of evidence, but it’s a piece of evidence that raises a lot of questions. You didn’t see this on TV either. Does that prick your interest?
The government has promoted a “theory” that maybe the fuel from the jet trickled down the elevator shafts into the basement and subsequently exploded. Could this be? Let’s continue and look at other evidence. Barry Jennings was another witness that got stuck in Building Seven during 9/11. Remember, Building Seven was NEVER hit by a jet. In Barry's case an explosion blew out a stair well below him leaving him hanging and stranded for hours until the fire department got him out. Both the twin towers went down during the time he was stranded. Building Seven, a tall building in it’s own right (47 stories tall), came down at around 5:20 (later that day). Fortunately, he was saved. Watch his account here:
(YouTube Key Words: Barry Jennings dead age – more hits when “dead age” excluded)
Again, the explosions he talked about were from charges that were set up to weaken the structure preparatory to pulling down this building. You say, “Hold On! Building Seven housed the FBI and the CIA offices, so who would have access to set up explosives in there? There has got to be another explanation.” True. This is just one piece of evidence which raises more questions. Again, you didn't see Barry’s testimony on TV.
William Rodriguez, head janitor at the towers, was meeting with some people in basement level #1 (the highest of several basement levels) when an explosion from below pushed everyone upwards, causing ceiling tiles to fall and walls to crack. Just as William started to express to others what he thought that explosion might be, an airplane hit and shook the building from above. His story begins at 9:31 here:
(Google Video Key Words: William Rodriguez)
Now, let’s look for other different kinds of evidence. Steve Jones, a physicist, obtained WTC dust samples from the collapsed WTC towers from people who lived nearby. He analyzed it and found that the dust contained residues of explosives. Steve Jones first became famous when he became known as the “voice of reason” during the Pons / Fleischman "Cold Fusion" debacle of 1989, if you remember that. For a Nuclear Physicist, like Steve Jones, analyzing dust samples for explosive residues is a relatively simple task. It may be similar to asking a PhD mathematician to do arithmetic. He reported his detailed findings here in Boston:
(Google Video Key Words: Steve Jones Boston)
In this lecture, you recall, he offered other scientists to take parts of his samples in order to analyze the "red chips" that he had recently discovered. That was December 2007. These specks have now, in fact, been confirmed to be unexploded “nanostructured super-thermite” particles. That confirmation is not just a smoking gun IT IS THE GUN. See the article here:
The actual paper in its entirety can be found here in PDF form. Be sure to click the “download” link here:
If you get into the actual paper, you learn that the explosives may actually have been sprayed into position like paint or insulation!
Steve Jones’ findings may not fit the stories that you have heard in the news but it does lend support to what Johannemann, Jennings and Rodriguez testified that they saw. You say, “The news media isn’t going to shoot itself in the foot by making something up.” So how do we rectify all the contradictions that we were told in the news? Could Steve Jones and these witnesses be glory-seeking kooks trying to make a name for themselves?
Then take a look at this:
Here is a BBC report announcing the collapse of the Solomon Building (the official name for Building Seven). There is only one problem. The reporter standing at the scene and announcing this didn't realize that, in fact, you could still see Building Seven still standing off to the right. It actually collapsed within about 20 minutes after that live report. Watch it here:
(YouTube Key Words: BBC Solomon slips – you get more hits by excluding “slips”)
How did the BBC know in advance that Building Seven would collapse? The fact that it was announced in advance is strong support that the flow of information on this tragedy was being controlled (but in a more sinister way than how information about Santa Claus was controlled in your life).
Were the people at the BBC the only people privy to this information? Probably not. Larry Silverstein was the leaseholder of Building Seven. In a 2002 PBS documentary he talked about how he discussed the Building Seven situation with the fire department and how the decision was made by that department to "pull" it. Well, there is one problem with his testimony that you may want to consider. It takes about a week to rig a building with explosives before you pull it. So are buildings constructed with built-in explosives just in case they need to be blown up in a hurry? Building Seven went down that same day. Whoops! Watch Larry's testimony from the PBS documentary here in this short clip:
(YouTube Key words: PBS Silverstein)
Incidentally, luckily for Larry, he insured his property in the nick of time just six months before September 11th! It was a sweet deal. So who orchestrated this terrorist event anyway? They had to get past the FBI and CIA and prepare at least three buildings for demolition as well as direct the activities of men with box cutters (if they even existed). It’s clear from the evidence presented here so far that at least some of the media was in on this. What else could explain the BBC blunder? They had to control the information to those of us who might not like the idea that a few thousand people had to be killed in order to fulfill some kind of agenda. What’s in it for these people that were “in the know?”
Aaron Russo was a famous movie producer who became best friends with one of the Rockefeller family members (Remember “The Rose” and "Trading Places" starring Eddie Murphy?). This is the same Rockefeller family that is a large shareholder of the Federal Reserve Bank -- a private company that loans money to our government and contributes to our huge national debt. You see the name “Federal Reserve” at the top the dollar bill. Yes, we're talking about THAT Bank! Anyway, the upshot of this friendship was that in the year 2000 (11 months before 9/11) Aaron Russo learned from his Rockefeller buddy that there was going to be an "event". He was told that out of this event the U.S. would go into Afghanistan and look for Bin Laden in Caves and then the U.S. would go into Iraq. His fascinating testimony about this "event" starts at 26:45 here in this interview:
(Google Video Key Words: Aaron Russo Reflections Warnings)
One more thing. In February 2009 a 44 story Chinese skyscraper caught fire and thoroughly burned into a crinkling cinder. However IT DID NOT COLLAPSE. By comparison WTC Building Seven had a few small fires and was never hit by a plane. It DID COLLAPSE. See that article here:
(Google Key Words: China 44 fire consumes)
Now see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZEvA8BCoBw
(YouTube Key Words: architects engineers 911 truth)
Amazingly, all this evidence is only the tip of the iceberg. Each of these are separate independent pieces of evidence from unconnected sources. When taken together they paint a clear picture. You are a juror in a court of law. What would be your verdict? Remember, the word “conspiracy” is not in the dictionary to describe a fiction.
To forward this as a clean readable e-mail (without the accumulation of all the “>” symbols) just highlight all the text and COPY IT FIRST. Then paste it into your new e-mail before sending it on. It works like a charm!
NOTE: I included key words below each link because it’s common for a video to disappear. Usually multiple versions exist and the key words will assist in finding another copy.
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