Karl Muller comments at The Economist: Mobile Madness
The threat to human health from mobile phones, if any, is much disputed. A shame, then, that a massive multinational study on the question has ended in chaos.
It has to be very clearly understood in the first place that the whole "handset/brain tumour" focus is a very deliberate decoy to mask the realities of the hazards of cellphones. For one thing, it will take years to establish this kind of effect, and that will allow the cellphone industry to proliferate and entrench itself completely in society before the real damage becomes apparent.
The really interesting research centres on cellphone masts and base stations. It is amazing worldwide how few such studies have been carried out. As far as I can see, of about 14 comprehensive studies on general health effects around base stations conducted worldwide, every single study has found a consistent pattern of health problems, including headaches, ADD, memory problems and Alzheimer's disease, increased neurological disorders like Parkinson's and epilepsy, blood pressure and heart rhythm problems, lowered immunity and "lingering flu", mood swings including "rages", infertility, depression and increased suicide rates, severe sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, aching joints and gums, and -- yes -- increased cancer rates, particularly leukaemias, brain tumours and breast cancers. Cancer rates increasing by up to 400% have been found.
We have found evidence of every single one of the above health problems around cellphone masts in South Africa, and in many cases (particularly with sleep disorders, headaches and even leukaemias) relief and remission is obtained almost as soon as people move away from a mast. All of the symptoms above are consistent with the Russian diagnosis of "microwave sickness", on their clinical books for 30 years.
All the indications are that long-term, constant, low-level irradiation as with masts, is actually far more harmful than intermittent, short-term higher-level radiation, as with handsets. Yet the big focus is on handsets and cancer, with all the ambiguities reported. Anyone who sincerely thinks cellphones give "protection" against brain tumours, needs help.
The point about handsets is that you use them by choice, and (apparently) in the US there are health disclaimers with each handset sold, so even if the cancer link is proved, the industry has protection. With masts, there is no choice, and you can be radiated 24/7 without any chance of escape.
For those who say, oh, this radiation is non-ionising and cannot break DNA bonds and cause cancer -- how exactly do you explain the thoroughly confirmed incidence of double-strand DNA breaks and micronuclei formation at low ("non-thermal") levels? One critical issue is *resonance*, with the fixed frequencies of the information-carrying modulations on the cellphone signal resonating with various structures in the body. As is well known, resonance will see energy slowly building up in a given structure -- in this case until chemical damage occurs.
And how do you explain Israeli research which shows that after just 10 minutes of handset-level exposure, chemicals associated with cancer induction start building up in cells?
Here in South Africa, we use the ICNIRP standards. The ICNIRP chairman recently stated that they will not take account of any supposed health effects, unless a fully worked-out and confirmed mechanism can be produced to prove that this was caused by the radiation. Look at the list of symptoms above; if a drug trial produced this spectrum of symptoms, that drug would *never* be licensed. The drug manufacturer would not be able to say, well, we will simply ignore all these results until someone provides the mechanism to show how our drug does it. This is the most blatant and appalling double standard, which is purely due to commercial influence.
I am sitting here with a fully worked-out mechanism for how low-level microwaves cause cancer, produced by Barrie Trower, a former British military intelligence scientist specialising in microwave warfare. It is actually impossible to separate the military and the commercial interests in all of this. When the US embassy in Moscow was irradiated for 30 years with low-level microwaves (at 1800MHz, the same frequency used with cellphones), the US government suppressed the information of health damage to its employees there, because (according to Dr Robert Becker, called in as a consultant over this issue) the damage was occurring well below US exposure guidelines, particularly military exposure guidelines. They could not admit that health problems occurred below these levels without giving up massive military investments. So three ambassadors were allowed to die of leukaemia, one with bleeding eyeballs (eyes are particularly sensitive to microwaves), just because the Americans could not admit that their own radiation standards were set too high.
If that is how the US government treats its own employees, including ambassadors, what possible chance does the general public have?
Truthpropoganda posts some informative links to studies on cell phone/cell tower toxicity.
Study links have been asked for. Here are some.In relation to cancer incidence around phone masts, these are the only 2 studies that have been published. One might ask why?
http://www.tetrawatch.net/papers/naila.pdfThe Naila Study, Germany:
10-year Study of Residents near Mobile Telephone Mast 1000 case notes were studied of patients living within 400m of the mast for 10 years. The doctors found a trebling of cancer risk after 5 years exposure.
Abstract: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/518760/
Full Study: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20050207_israel.pdf
Cancer near a cell-phone transmitter station. Tel Aviv University. Wolf MD and Wolf MD. They found a 4-fold increase in cancer within 350m of a normal mast.
Meta-analysis of long-term mobile phone use and the association with brain tumours.'We conclude that this meta-analysis gave a consistent pattern of an association between mobile phone use and ipsilateral glioma and acoustic neuroma using /> or =10-years latency period.'
Double strand DNA breaks:
Single-and double-strand DNA breaks in rat brain cells after acute exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation
REFLEX, a project funded by the EU , was carried out by 12 research groups from 7 European countries from the year 2000 to 2004. The goal of the project was to search for biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in in vitro cell systems which may play a role in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. The data obtained showed that extremely low frequency EMF (ELF-EMF) had genotoxic effects on primary cell cultures of human fibroblasts and on other cell lines.
ELF-EMF generated DNA strand breaks at a significant level at a flux density as low as 35 μT.
There was a strong positive correlation between both the intensity and duration of exposure and the increase in single and double DNA strand breaks and micronuclei frequencies.'
Meta Analyses
August 31, 2007 - 'Serious Public Health Concerns Raised Over Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) from Powerlines and Cell Phones.'
A review of over 2000 published studies.
Ecolog Instititute 2000This review of over 220 peer-reviewed and published papers found strong indications for the cancer-initiating and cancer-promoting effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields used by mobile telephone technology.
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