14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Deciphering News: Use Your Five Senses

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Source: Sott.net: Suspect Eyewitnesses from 9/11 to the Colorado Massacre: Using your Five Senses To Make Sense Of Things

Now, take a look at this footage from 9/11.

One can clearly see shock blasts in this video. Shock blasts slamming window blinds repeatedly against the windows in close-up.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that not only Building 7, but the twin towers as well, were demolished.

At about 2:05 you see what appears to be a human body being shot out of a window at high speed. No sign of fire or smoke from that window beforehand.

Here's another from YouTuber Xendrius.

On the other hand, if you want loads and loads and loads of crap, you can go here:


The above website puts on an extensive "debunking" of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta's testimony to the 9/11 Commission, which was in fact cut out of the 9/11 Commission's report. How does it do this? By quoting the 9/11 Commission, and another guy who wrote about the Cheney interaction with the young messenger who said the plane was 10 miles out.

The author cites the 9/11 Commission report --and this other guy--as evidence that Mineta was "confused" or "mistaken."

If you want some hooey, there's a great heaping helping on that website, which of course does not allow comments.

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