16 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi

Murder As Entertainment: Southern California "Justice" and The Dorner Manhunt

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What just happened this week?

Did we really all gather round our screens and watch and listen as a man was torched to death by the L.A.P.D.?

Here in our air-conditioned hallways, under the fluorescent lights, we tuned in the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department scanner and the fire department scanner. Comments poured in from all over the country on Twitter with the #Dorner hashtag. When the law took the scanners offline, sound was down for about twenty minutes, and then another web address made its way around the Net which raised the scanner again.

From sea to shining sea, we all looked into shining screens, filling our eyes with artificial light, and lost ourselves in the void.

The void---the place where the present has no reality.

The place where the warm living human beings around us become secondary to the activity on the screens and the sounds coming out of the speakers.

The place where we are reduced to being a silent audience with only keyboards to send signals and no power to act.

The place we go to every day.

Except this time, we went there to see a man die.

Because we all knew it was going to happen.

So I watched too.

I watched because it's my job. I watched because it's what I do. I watched because everyone was watching. I watched because this was what it means, now, to be part of something.
Experience has been reduced to reacting to information coming from machines.

On the highway, we steer our machines through a stream of other machines shooting through space, and pray we reach our exit without meeting any of them metal to metal, bone crunch to blood spray. At home, we sit and watch more screens, and listen to people far away, talking about what's important to talk about, with the people who are there with them. Something is always happening, and it's always happening somewhere else. In fact, that's the only place anything important happens, any more.

And with distrust of the media that controls what comes out of the machines, not only is the matter of immediate importance happening elsewhere, but we can't even know for sure what it is. (Burn that motherf*cking house down!)

The whole game of mass distraction means moment to moment, the present--and the people in it--are of secondary importance to these signals from elsewhere firing through the hive mind.

And so the present has become a wasteland. The human people around us are all watching screens or listening to headphones. Their brains --and hearts-- are disconnected from their bodies.

And the L.A. Times keeps avoiding the conversation everyone wants to have----HOW DO WE STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING AGAIN?

Chris Freewell
The LAPD 'may' be out molesting children, shooting old ladies in pickups & burning down houses tonight.

'I don't know what the big deal is, cops molest children all the time' said Geoffery Alpert, a professor at the University of South Carolina.

Way to lie, LATimes & LaPD! You really think no-one heard your maniac cops screaming 'Burn the Mother'Fer' down multiple times before the fire?

Just google 'Police Audio From Dorner Siege' - The entire world knows you idiots are lying. Give it up.

....I really love the part of this article where they admit 'they could wait no longer for Dorner to surrender.' Of course they couldn't! Why bother to get a negotiator, wait him out or give him a chance to put his hands up? We don't need know stinking law, we are the law!

Besides who needs police work when we have military grade CS Gas that burns at 4,000 degrees planted around the house whose soul purpose is to start fires and burn people to death? 'Like We Planned' 'Yea' The Burners' 'Burn that Mother'f'er Down!'

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