21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

YouTubers Don't Like What Happened to Dorner Either

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It's not just me.
I'm not alone in wondering what the fuck.

Alan Middleton 6 days ago
These fucking cops mistook 2 asian ladies in a different car than dorners for dorner, now they casually decide they are gonna burn down someones cabin that is not their own. YOU CANNOT FUCKING DO THAT. They dont have a positive ID on the suspect, and these fucking cops assume its OK to act like this, and there are people that think its ok. Its not. Cops are our Civil Servants not the fucking Gestapo doing whatever they want at will cause a few of theirs got killed and exposed.

IEatSand22890 6 days ago
Yeah enough is enough god damnit. The entire American population is being taken for a bunch of fucking idiots. This is what tactics your government is reverting to people. Instead of helping you keep your house, educating your children, or start to fix the economy they are roasting people alive without due process and trying to take your guns. Wake the fuck up. It's only going to get worse. Don't be a fool.

Cindy BarPo 6 days ago
Just wondering, where you this upset when Janet Reno and Bill Clinton ordered the compounded with 27 children in be burned to the ground.
They never murdered anyone, and were burned alive.

IEatSand22890 3 hours ago
Are you talking about Waco? Or however it's spelled. If so, then yes because it was an atrocity.


Callepunk0 5 hours ago
I hope he was crying like a bitch, and burned alive.

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