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Not that I think labels really do anyone any good, but there is a certain truth to what this person commenting says.
I like the comment so much that I'm reproducing it here.
Cynical in New York:
Conservatives are good at putting up a false opposition to liberal statism, when in reality they're only against statism when they're not in power. It doesn't matter which flavor of conservative statism whether it's neoconservative statism or paleoconservative statism.
To quote Lew Rockwell
"What does conservatism today stand for? It stands for war. It stands for power. It stands for spying, jailing without trial, torture, counterfeiting without limit, and lying from morning to night. There comes a time in the life of every believer in freedom when he must declare, without any hesitation, to have no attachment to the idea of conservatism."
or if you want something more simpler
"Conservatism is just pro-war socialism"
- Anthony Gregory
In my view libertarians have wasted enough time of trying to work conservatives. Ron Paul's presidential campaigns should've been a wake up call on how libertarians are viewed in the conservative movement. Libertarians dont need conservatives to advance liberty.
Adam Kokesh put out a nice video on calling out conservatives hypocrites who opposed gun control but support the government jackboot in other areas
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