30 Kasım 2012 Cuma
Marathon man faces more charges
Marathon – A Marathon man charged with burglaries tounlocked occupied homes on overnight between November 18th and 19thhas been charged with two more of the crimes.
28 year old Michael Crawford was charged Wednesday with twooutstanding warrants – one for the burglary of a shed and boat on 3rdAvenue Ocean and one for the burglary of a home and a vehicle on 6thAvenue Ocean. He stole fishing equipment and tools from the first location, andstole a purse, cash, sunglasses and prescription medication from the secondlocation.
Most of the stolen property was recovered from Crawford’sresidence. Detective Bobby Burkett is the investigator assigned to the cases.The investigation is continuing and more charges are pending against Crawfordfor additional crimes.
Young Writer's Learning Experience at the 2011 Milan Bluegrass Festival
Okay, I'm not going to sit here and lie to you all and say that I'm a big fan of bluegrass music. I'm not. (For reference, if I was writing this to a group of my friends its very possible I wouldn't say "lie" in the previous sentence, but instead say "front." Sorry.) But I also don't dislike bluegrass music. Its influences can be seen in some of the music I listen to in the terms of prevalent vocal harmonies and finger-picked acoustic guitar. See: Fleet Foxes, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
Plus, I really like "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" That's a really great movie! And that was my first real experience with bluegrass, and some of those songs were really good! But as a I sat and walked around KC Campground on Saturday at the festival, there was something there that to an uninitiated observer hit me more than the music: the atmosphere and the people. I got a chance to talk with one of the bands that performed on Saturday, HeartTown, and they talked a lot about precisely that: the crowd at the Milan Bluegrass Festival is a group of people who love and really know their bluegrass. I've been to shows where there's people there who really care about the band, or at least appreciate their style of music, and then there are people there posturing or just trying to look cool. (I feel like the moral of this post is: Kevin is still kind of young.) For the record, at shows I'm usually near the front shouting along with all of the lyrics, so obviously not one of the people trying to "look cool."
But there was certainly nobody at the Festival who wasn't there to enjoy a long day (or weekend) of bluegrass music. Even when i asked people what acts they liked the best, no one could pick one. "I like them all," was a very common response. "We see these guys basically every week," said Tim Laughlin of HeartTown. "Bluegrass is like a traveling carnival, and we're the carnies," said HeartTown's Darren Beachley.
Ride along with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office
Deputy Roy showed me around Ypsilanti Township and the different areas he regularly patrols, which include neighborhoods like West Willow, some apartment complexes like Village Grove Apartments, and trailer home parks. Part of the reason for the patrols is simply to have a visible police presence in the community. I’m still pretty new to the area so I was seeing quite a few things for the first time. He also talked about the different technology and techniques he uses, and about his own experience as a law enforcement officer.
The different kinds of technology used by police are among what I learned about on the ride along. Recording equipment is heavily used. Deputy Roy showed me a body microphone held in patrol vehicles. When he leaves the vehicle he clips it onto his uniform, and it provides an audio record such as for interactions with residents and suspects. Patrol vehicles have cameras in them. Footage gets downloaded wirelessly when a vehicle gets to the station, which for him is usually the Ypsilanti Township Civic Center on Huron River Drive.
The sheriff’s department also looked into portable video cameras for deputies to keep on themselves like the microphone. Deputy Roy said he tested a few of these cameras out over the summer, trying to find something that works out good. It needs to be easily portable, he said, because deputies carry plenty of equipment already.
From my own understanding, recording equipment is used both as a record of what happened if needed in court and as a means to protect officers from accusations.
I was also shown the computer deputies connect to their vehicles while on the road. They look like heavily armored laptops. There’s all kinds of features, such as a touch screen and easy to navigate screens that allow deputies to look up information even while on the move. Systems are in place capable of pulling up any driver’s license photographs and mug shots a person may have, allowing deputies to cross reference – useful for determining if somebody has a fake ID. Some of the computers even have a print reader, which is able to pull up this information with the imprint of a finger or thumb.
I also learned quite a bit about Deputy Roy during the ride along. I could tell he was passionate about being part of the sheriff’s department and working to make the community a better place.
“I could do this every day,” he said. “It’s what I always wanted to do.”
Three members of his family are also in law enforcement, two cousins and an uncle, so one explanation for his interest in law enforcement is that it’s simply in his bloodline.
Overall the ride along was a good experience. I’m glad I got to know Deputy Roy. He invited me to do another ride along pretty much whenever, but there were some suggestions like a midnight shift in July. I was told that’s one of the most active times in the year for law enforcement – mostly because people are themselves more active and get out more when its warmer, and this activity peaks in July.
It's time to get those potholes filled, Washtenaw County Road Commission
The most obvious sign of the warm weather we've had the last few weeks can be spotted on Austin Road, west of Saline in Saline Township. The potholes are some of the worst I've driven in quite some time.
They stretch from the west side of the City of Saline and then mostly through Saline Township. Once you get to Bridgewater, most of the nasty potholes stop.
The weather looks pretty nice out, perhaps the county could take their truck and fill some of them...?
It's paczki day: where did you get yours?
Breakfast of champions...? |
A Polish favorite, the paczki has gained statewide popularity. I picked mine up at Benny's Bakery in downtown Saline this morning, and the line was the longest I've ever seen at the bakery.
Where did you pick yours up around Washtenaw County today? And who makes the best paczki?
29 Kasım 2012 Perşembe
Last September, Americans turned in 242,000 pounds—121 tons—of prescription drugs at nearly 4,100 sites operated by the DEA and more than 3,000 state and local law enforcement partners.
This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse, and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are alarmingly high, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Studies show that a majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, including from the home medicine cabinet. In addition, Americans are now advised that their usual methods for disposing of unused medicines—flushing them down the toilet or throwing them in the trash—both pose potential safety and health hazards.
Four days after last fall’s event, Congress passed the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010, which amends the Controlled Substances Act to allow an “ultimate user” of controlled substance medications to dispose of them by delivering them to entities authorized by the Attorney General to accept them. The Act also allows the Attorney General to authorize long term care facilities to dispose of their residents’ controlled substances in certain instances. DEA has begun drafting regulations to implement the Act, a process that can take as long as 24 months. Until new regulations are in place, local law enforcement agencies like The Washington County Sheriff's Office and the DEA will continue to hold prescription drug take-back events every few months.
Sheriff Doniie Smith
Washington County Sheriff's Office
Young Writer's Learning Experience at the 2011 Milan Bluegrass Festival
Okay, I'm not going to sit here and lie to you all and say that I'm a big fan of bluegrass music. I'm not. (For reference, if I was writing this to a group of my friends its very possible I wouldn't say "lie" in the previous sentence, but instead say "front." Sorry.) But I also don't dislike bluegrass music. Its influences can be seen in some of the music I listen to in the terms of prevalent vocal harmonies and finger-picked acoustic guitar. See: Fleet Foxes, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.
Plus, I really like "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" That's a really great movie! And that was my first real experience with bluegrass, and some of those songs were really good! But as a I sat and walked around KC Campground on Saturday at the festival, there was something there that to an uninitiated observer hit me more than the music: the atmosphere and the people. I got a chance to talk with one of the bands that performed on Saturday, HeartTown, and they talked a lot about precisely that: the crowd at the Milan Bluegrass Festival is a group of people who love and really know their bluegrass. I've been to shows where there's people there who really care about the band, or at least appreciate their style of music, and then there are people there posturing or just trying to look cool. (I feel like the moral of this post is: Kevin is still kind of young.) For the record, at shows I'm usually near the front shouting along with all of the lyrics, so obviously not one of the people trying to "look cool."
But there was certainly nobody at the Festival who wasn't there to enjoy a long day (or weekend) of bluegrass music. Even when i asked people what acts they liked the best, no one could pick one. "I like them all," was a very common response. "We see these guys basically every week," said Tim Laughlin of HeartTown. "Bluegrass is like a traveling carnival, and we're the carnies," said HeartTown's Darren Beachley.
Ride along with the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office
Deputy Roy showed me around Ypsilanti Township and the different areas he regularly patrols, which include neighborhoods like West Willow, some apartment complexes like Village Grove Apartments, and trailer home parks. Part of the reason for the patrols is simply to have a visible police presence in the community. I’m still pretty new to the area so I was seeing quite a few things for the first time. He also talked about the different technology and techniques he uses, and about his own experience as a law enforcement officer.
The different kinds of technology used by police are among what I learned about on the ride along. Recording equipment is heavily used. Deputy Roy showed me a body microphone held in patrol vehicles. When he leaves the vehicle he clips it onto his uniform, and it provides an audio record such as for interactions with residents and suspects. Patrol vehicles have cameras in them. Footage gets downloaded wirelessly when a vehicle gets to the station, which for him is usually the Ypsilanti Township Civic Center on Huron River Drive.
The sheriff’s department also looked into portable video cameras for deputies to keep on themselves like the microphone. Deputy Roy said he tested a few of these cameras out over the summer, trying to find something that works out good. It needs to be easily portable, he said, because deputies carry plenty of equipment already.
From my own understanding, recording equipment is used both as a record of what happened if needed in court and as a means to protect officers from accusations.
I was also shown the computer deputies connect to their vehicles while on the road. They look like heavily armored laptops. There’s all kinds of features, such as a touch screen and easy to navigate screens that allow deputies to look up information even while on the move. Systems are in place capable of pulling up any driver’s license photographs and mug shots a person may have, allowing deputies to cross reference – useful for determining if somebody has a fake ID. Some of the computers even have a print reader, which is able to pull up this information with the imprint of a finger or thumb.
I also learned quite a bit about Deputy Roy during the ride along. I could tell he was passionate about being part of the sheriff’s department and working to make the community a better place.
“I could do this every day,” he said. “It’s what I always wanted to do.”
Three members of his family are also in law enforcement, two cousins and an uncle, so one explanation for his interest in law enforcement is that it’s simply in his bloodline.
Overall the ride along was a good experience. I’m glad I got to know Deputy Roy. He invited me to do another ride along pretty much whenever, but there were some suggestions like a midnight shift in July. I was told that’s one of the most active times in the year for law enforcement – mostly because people are themselves more active and get out more when its warmer, and this activity peaks in July.
It's time to get those potholes filled, Washtenaw County Road Commission
The most obvious sign of the warm weather we've had the last few weeks can be spotted on Austin Road, west of Saline in Saline Township. The potholes are some of the worst I've driven in quite some time.
They stretch from the west side of the City of Saline and then mostly through Saline Township. Once you get to Bridgewater, most of the nasty potholes stop.
The weather looks pretty nice out, perhaps the county could take their truck and fill some of them...?
It's paczki day: where did you get yours?
Breakfast of champions...? |
A Polish favorite, the paczki has gained statewide popularity. I picked mine up at Benny's Bakery in downtown Saline this morning, and the line was the longest I've ever seen at the bakery.
Where did you pick yours up around Washtenaw County today? And who makes the best paczki?
28 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba
Weather Manipulation...Or Just Plain Old Condensation?
As of today, November 20 2012, the sky was loaded full of jet trails. Lots and lots and lots of them.
A comment made by Weatherwars, which I think is Scott Stevens, got me wondering. There is a statement in the comments section of the video saying there are giant refueling docks in the sky so the planes never have to come down.
That's just wacky.
So I searched a little and found this page.
There's talk that the 'chemtrails' issue is disinfo.
And, well, it might be.
The notion it's disinfo, might be disinfo itself. So, who knows?
But here's a link indicating this guy might be full of baloney.
Check the discussion here at Chemtrailcentral.com
NISKAYUNA Weatherman Scott Stevens has resigned from WRGB (Channel 6) after station management accused him of lying about his credentials.
In a statement read during Tuesday's 6 p.m. broadcast, David Lynch, vice president and general manager, said WRGB ``hired Scott Stevens to be chief meteorologist based on faulty information provided by Scott'' and his agency WRGB subsequently learned that ``Scott has never completed the necessary academic course of studies that would lead him to the official title of meteorologist, '' according to the statement read by anchorwoman JoAnne Purtan.
Lynch's statement emphasized that Stevens' allegedly false presentation of his credentials and the station's concern for its integrity was the issue, not Stevens' performance.
"Stevens' resume, obtained by the Times Union, lists his title at three previous places of employment as ``meteorologist.'' The resume, however, does say that he is a member of the American Meteorologist Society, a trade group open only to people with specific academic credentials.
A call to the AMS said that there was no member named Scott Stevens (or even Robert Scott Stevens, the name on top of his resume). A representative of the AMS said in order to be a meteorologist, one must
have a bachelor of science in meteorology; or a BS in a related science such
as physics, plus 12 credits in meteorology; or several credits in specific ourses in five core areas."
More on Mr. Stevens (and this video in particular) here.
Even if Stevens is whack, that doesn't mean something isn't going on up there. But there is always (and most often) the possibility that there is absolutely no way to get the truth on the Net about what is going on. If the computer is as controlled as I'm beginning to believe it is, there's going to be plenty that just gets shut down.
Doesn't mean I'm not going to be watching the sky, though.
Complaining Is My Way Of Giving Thanks
San Diego Man Sues City Over Neglect Of Palm Trees
The problem with the palm trees is that one of them fell over on the plaintiff in 2010. He now has lost the use of both legs. Michael Burke's lawsuit alleges the city of San Diego is neglecting its trees due to budget cuts, and what have you. The city says there's no way it could vet every single tree that might fall on a man.
This is a sad story, but it's even sadder for other reasons, which I posted as a comment, but will also post here at Inland Nights. I wrote:
Wow, poor guy, I really feel him.. but I feel a rant coming on....
What I am really curious about is the actual health of the trees in Southern California. We know the bees are dying off, and here in L.A. the palm trees seem to be in bad shape. I have heard reported that it's some kind of fungus, but there are so many that have brown fronds mixed in these days.. and since the 90's the advent of cell towers, WiFi and radio frequency signals have been proliferating, and interacting with living things. Are there harmful effects from this? Cells in our bodies, and in plants, communicate via electromagnetic fields. These fields are impacted by radio waves, microwaves, the cells are affected, their health is affects. The radio frequencies blast the DNA and the DNA strands break, the DNA is the instruction to the cells to repair and maintain themselves, cells are destroyed when their DNA is destroyed, and diseases like cancer and leukemia set in.
The trees are our canary in the coal mine, if there is anything a city government should be doing to promote the general welfare as described in the US Constitution, it should be monitoring the health of the living things in its bounds. There is massive bee die-off since 2006. This state feeds the nation. We depend on ag and ag depends on bees, there is no way around it, and standing around with our fingers in our asses and doing nothing, when living things around us are dying, is not the way to go. Where there is species die-off, there are impacts for humans and direct impacts for *human* health and well being. If we lose bees, we are literally screwed. This is a basic, not-very-complicated fact, species die-off and its acceleration in recent years. The inaction and it's hard to fathom the neglect of city officials in a place as ecologically blessed, beautiful, balmy, shimmering and sacred as the San Diego coastline, there is just no excuse.
Sam Phillips: Go Down: Chemtrail And Sky Pilot Dedication

Image source: David Dees Photos
I don't know what is going on up there in the sky. I only know that the more I read about weather modification and radio-frequency radiation, the more concerned I become that the activities are threatening life on the planet and human health. I am the furthest thing from an expert----but, I've always looked at the sky, from childhood growing up in the country. And I know the kind of jet trails one sees today are nothing like the mild ones I saw when growing up. Something of entirely different magnitude is happening up there.
So I'm going to start a blog just reporting what I see in the sky. Every day. Just a few notes. When one doesn't have answers, collecting whatever data possible and studying it over time for clues is just about all anyone can do.
I heard this song on the way in to work today and it's a perfect song to send out to all the pilots who are knowingly spraying, to the scientists working on the monster ionospheric heater systems including HAARP, to the atomic workers who are telling themselves that what the bosses told them about nuclear energy being safe, is the truth. And I am a party to the destruction in the sky, as well. I work in radio. Those radio waves are not harmless. Those satellites are not harmless up there. If anything, I am of this machine as much as anyone who makes a living from it. By "this machine", I mean today's society of machines which use earth's resources which must be ripped from the planet by other machines. It really is a vicious circle. But how does it stop?
If it weren't for a feeling of foreboding about the overall consequences of this system, I wouldn't write. By writing, it is at least, a sort of penance, and an attempt to stay true to the spirit of a storytelling tradition that seeks healing through the sharing of information and the comparing of notes and data. I am of this system as much as anyone, and thus, I am part of the machine of destruction, itself. So I am no better than anyone profiting from, or making a living, from polluting the environment.
Call them "chemtrails" or whatever you want; what cannot be argued is that our atmosphere is a closed system, and part of the system upon which our life depends; and humans are altering it. Questioning the possible consequences is not about a "need to believe in a freaky conspiracy in order to feel important." It is important: communicating about things not fully understood is how the human race finds its way into the future.
you face the blue and wish the roof would open up
but arches of commerce have made the sky corrupt
go down
break the code of death for profit
break the guns
break the silence of money
break the greedy unison
go down
maybe someday you'll come back to me
find the mystical connection find the dreams
under cynical wreckage find the winding conscious stream
go down
maybe someday you'll come back to me
Sam Phillips, 1992
Here's a site where someone's earnestly trying to figure out what the deal is with those jet trails in the sky.
Here's a site on Morgellon's Disease, which some believe to be related to plane spraying.
From the site:
A Morgellons friend sent me these two oscilloscopes photos. The readings are from him and another Morgellons sufferer. They held one lead in each hand. One lead was a grounded neutral and one lead to the scope.

Under normal circumstances people do not register signals on an oscilloscope. Tests were taken inside a Faraday cage the signal is coming from us. It is satellite frequency.
Things that get sprayed: ContrailScience.com
When a plane takes off they are usually full of fuel. At this point they are too heavy to safely land (it’s a lot easier on a plane to take off than to land). If they have to cut their trip short, then they have to get rid of that excess weight. They can just fly around for hours to burn it off, but some planes have a fuel dump system that lets them get rid of the excess fuel rapidly by just dumping it into the air. This is often from vents at the end of the wing, but sometimes it’s mid-wing, or at the tail.

The above site has some great photos and lots of interesting information. Most interesting is that the author seems to admit chemical elements like aluminum are being sprayed, but that they're not "chemtrails." However I had to laugh at this comment someone named "faithinsience" left. He is responding to the comments in parentheses, which were from an earlier post in the conversation.
[i dont know if they are chemtrails. but i do know the difference between natural forming clouds and chemtrail overcast.]
No, there is no such thing as “chemtrail overcast”. They are persistent and persistent spreading contrails. They are simply man made clouds and the “overcast” is simply ice crystals created from the water vapor from the jet engines created when ambient air is drawn in, compressed and then ignited with jet fuel. Calling the trails “chemtrails” doesn’t make it so..
[If i can find the web page again, there was an actual doctors chart note on a patient (anonymous) in the Santa Cruz area that had lung tissue samples taken for upper respitory infection. What they found was aluminum and barium polymers that were tested at 6 times the toxic amount that the EPA has given us.]
And did it also say on the chart that the “barium and aluminum” came from the sky or from the trails in the sky, or from some sort of factory or industrial setting? Is it “normal” to just “assume” that this patient was exposed to these things through “chemtrails” when there is no evidence to support the claim?!
[Sometimes you need to step outside ur comfort zone and open ur eyes a bit more to something that could affect your future. I just think knowing a bit more about a subject that could be going on is better than being naive and then having nothing but the news to tell you whats going on, which we know is hardly ever true.]
The “news”?!? Who uses “the news” to learn about the world around us?! Why would you even suggest such a thing? Are you aware of this thing we have now called “college education”??! Or, are those part of “the news”?! “comfort zone”?! Sorry, I can’t unlearn the facts I learned in college and train my mind to accept crap I find online. Sorry, the simple and basic science that explains the trails in the sky is solid, despite your ignorance of that fact. In fact, I can’t remember ever “learning” anything from “the news” other than the local news, and the weather. I don’t even watch TV news…at all! WHEN will you “knowing a bit more about the subject” of “chemtrails”?! You certainly know NOTHING bout the trails in the sky now! And are you suggesting that what you find on the internet on youtube and conspiracy sites is more often “true” than what’s on “the news”?! Holy crap!
Timetowakeup replied to faithinscience:
easy faithinscience, if u went to college you would learn that in debating, you DONT bash on the opposing side, rather you support and state your opinion and give the fact of the possibility of it being true, and dont try to pull this college education crap with me, I attend WSU and am now receiving my bachelors in medical science. So dont be to quick to judge.
Also if you read my response correctly, i never said that you had to learn anything or learn everything from the news, i clearly stated that “the news would be telling you whats going on, which we know is hardly ever true”.
if your going to persuade someone that the “contrails” are just ice crystals and not chemicals being sprayed, try being a bit more docile, cuase when you bash, i dont wanna absorb anything you say, and yes i will be ignorant. I will be ignorant until i know the full truth.
Yes you have a college education in aviation or idk, that doesnt mean that you know anything about military propaganda, or New World Order propaganda. For instance i was taught that the Swine Flu Vaccination (2008-2009), was going to be the end of the Swine Flu. I then later found out that the vaccination was full of toxic fillers that could lead some people to have suppressed immune systems, autism, Alzheimer’s and etc. So please, respond next time with a little more consideration that i have knowledge as well that you will never know.
Faithinscience, have you ever been in the military? if not please dont tell me whats going on and not going on, i know for just the littlest part that the military and our commanders never told us what was “really” going on. Thanks though, your points are valid and true, just trying to sort out my speculation with hard evidence."
Faithinscience responded:
Hypocrite! You are the one doing the bashing here. I’m done with you…believe what you want. Oh, by the way, there is no “debate”. Chemtrails are a hoax, you just refuse to accept it.
The Truthers Did 9/11?
I'm not going to reproduce any of the comments here.
Sufficient to link to them......it is astonishing to me the intensity of the hate toward those who dare question.
How can someone see Building 7 falling---without a lot of smoke, total collapse in 6.6 seconds, and a smooth, nearly perfectly symmetrical collapse---- and not question that?
What these folks apparently don't realize is that people who lost loved ones on 9/11 are asking for a real investigation. And asking. And asking.
They are "truthers," themselves.
So, what's basically happening in the above-linked thread, is that people are expressing hatred and contempt for those who lost loved ones on 9/11, who want answers.
"The World" Covers Brad Manning

Arun Rath, reporter for The World and PBS Frontline, says the court proceedings are not easy to follow, as documents and motions are not shared with the press.
“It’s easier to follow the military commissions at Guantanamo,” says Rath.
The report doesn't go in depth about the accusations against Manning. I was just thrilled to hear something on public radio about Manning.
When Manning was being held in solitary, National Public Radio was mum. It was as if it was not happening. Fox News Radio kicked NPR's ass all over the place when it came to coverage of Bradley Manning, which was bitter to me as it was happening. Of course Fox News Radio doesn't air Alan Colmes in Los Angeles, where he would probably find the largest sympathetic audience in the country. Which to me means Colmes's show serves as camoflage for them, legal or otherwise. I'm sure Mr. Colmes wouldn't appreciate my saying that, but if they're not going to promote his show where it would succeed, and it would--then what other conclusion can a reasonable person reach?
Anyway, that's not to say public radio has avoided Manning, because he has gotten support from Democracy Now. But public radio stations in L.A. haven't reported the very important story of Bradley Manning.

When you do see or hear reports about Manning, the issues get confused. What is it that he did, again? You always hear that he leaked the cables to Wikileaks. But, though the cables made an impression on a select audience, to the popular audience, they're meaningless. Too many issues, too confusing. The really simple and powerful thing that Manning is accused of doing is leaking the helicopter video, which can be seen at Collateralmurder.com. Ethan McCord, who was on the ground that day, speaks in a 17-minute video also listed on the page. He ties it all together after the fact, and he has important things to say.
When I ask around, people have more often heard about the helicopter video than they have the cables. And as to the importance of the cables, I'm really not sure, and haven't looked them over. Gordon Duff says at Veterans Today:
As for anything else, embassy cables? My friends at the Pentagon who have security clearances that Manning could never dream of say they have never seen an embassy cable in their lives.
“You want that stuff, you have to run over to State. Hillary wipes her #@%* with them. We ain’t got em, can’t get em, don’t care, don’t want em, those folks over there are a pack of (frigging) morons. We don’t meet with them, we don’t read their mail and they don’t listen to us, especially when they should.”
The PBS documentary on Manning doesn't spend much time on the helicopter video, though they do show a few brief shots of it. The video itself isn't shocking--it's the audio, the sounds of the soldier's voices. It's the sound of another world in which men are tasked with killing other men. It's another mindset, and what's revealed in the voices of the men speaking is one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever heard. It doesn't take much, just this one powerful video, to show the reality of what war is, and what it does to people. Manning has never expressed a wish for prosecution of anyone who committed war crimes; only a wish that the public would talk about it and hopefully put a stop to the machinery of war that makes this tragedy possible.
This tragedy, and every other. On the radio last night, and again it was public radio---Talk of the Nation I believe---the guest said there's a suicide a day among active military. She also said, and it's reported here, that 18 vets a day commit suicide.

Who is putting our troops in danger? Those who would ignore the situation and allow it to go on unchecked---or those who want discussion of it?
Discussion, conversation, recognition, acknowledgement---without these there is no healing, and no truth.
“The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.”
– Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
27 Kasım 2012 Salı
The Slow Count Continues in the Remaining Close Senate Race
It looks like Mr. Amedore has the edge, but it's clear the Senate will be a battleground as one newly elected Democrat from Brooklyn has pledged to sit with the GOP for organization and there are four Democrats claiming they will remain as an independent caucus, again suggesting Senator John Sampson does not have a clear path to being majority leader.
A Look At The Ulster County Absentees
Council Hears Woolworth Building on Brink...But Hopeful Developers Make Their Case
First of all, the talk five or six years back of a luxury hotel was never a possibility, but the current plan for apartments and commercial space is in keeping with today's downtowns.
The developers were in town to address the Council. Obviously this type of project only happens because its subsidized in some manner. The current state of the building is saveable but increasingly dire.

Developer David Gallo ask to use a parcel across the street for parking...formally abandoned an effort to relocate the bus station, and requested Council approve a soon to be made request for tax abatement.
In other Council action, lawmakers committed to making Sunday hours at the Library continue. City staff was instructed to work with the Library Board of Directors following a pilot program deemed a success.
Council discussed drinking water flouridation now deemed one of the "ten greatest public health accomplishments of the 20th Century." That makes it hard to oppose, but the discussion was interesting as a couple local dentists and some public health poobahs watched.
Council also learned it will likely have to readvertise and auction the warehouse taken for taxes on West Main Street.
Rice to meet with 3 Senate critics - POLITICO.com
Ms. Rice will try to explain why she delivered such clearly misleading accounts of the September 11 Benghazi raid. This weekend Senator John McCain backed off a bit, saying Ms. Rice was not to blame for the accounts and that the information she got had been massaged to alter the message.
This is a good thing as a messy confirmation fight for a new Secretary of State is hardly needed and its unclear whether Ms Rice did wrong or was just a victim of the White House PR offensive during the campaign.
Rice to meet with 3 Senate critics - POLITICO.com
“Fireman Ed” says he will stop leading chants at New York Jets home games - NYPOST.com
That's what the resignation of 'Fireman Ed' as JETS fan in chief reminds me of.
Ed Anzalone will no longer lead the chants or wear the funny hats. The losing is part of it, but the nastiness and coarseness of fandom has left the former NYC smoke-eater disillusioned and forelorn.

I am still dealing with the humiliation of the Thanksgiving thrashing at the hands of the rascals from Boston, and find it harder and harder to be upbeat.
Is the forty-plus year chant of 'wait til next year' enough ? I'll tell you after next Sunday's game against Phoenix.
And to think I did my Christmas shopping at the JETS on-line store.
“Fireman Ed” says he will stop leading chants at New York Jets home games - NYPOST.com
St. Lawrence County Property Taxes To Jump 13.4% | WWNY TV 7
St. Lawrence County property taxes will go up 13.4% and some 50 positions will be eliminated as lawmakers there, like many in Congress, decided 'no new taxes' is not the mantra in an Obama second term.
If you are a part of the system...if you have or a person close to you has a county job, the extra taxes are miniscule. For others, it's just a headline that no one really follows that closely.
St. Lawrence County Property Taxes To Jump 13.4% | WWNY TV 7 - News, Weather and Sports for | Local News
26 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi
Meck County Manager Harry Jones Robbed
A minute later CP posted the following via twitter:
"Meck Co Manager Harry Jones and his wife were apparently robbed tonight in Charlotte's NoDa neighborhood."
What is interesting is that CMPD PIO (police information officer) on duty went into denial mode when the mainstream media tried to confirm CP's tweet. Which means either the PIO is woefully uninformed or a liar.
What makes it more interesting is that WBTV apparently picked up the radio call and was able to dispatch a news crew in time to locate Harry Jones being interviewed by CMPD on the scene.
So while WBTV was breaking the story, other news stations were getting "disinformation" from CMPD's official source. Which makes you wonder, how the department would handle a real city wide emergency?
The Charlotte Observer's take on the attack:
Mecklenburg County Manager Harry Jones and his wife were robbed at gunpoint Friday night in Charlotte’s NoDa neighborhood, police said.
The robbery was reported just before 8 p.m. near the Neighborhood Theatre. Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said a man armed with a gun approached the couple and demanded their belongings. Jones and his wife complied, and then the man fled on foot, police said.
Robbery detectives, as well as search dogs, were called to the scene. Police said they were reviewing surveillance footage in the area.
As of 10:30 p.m., the suspect had not been found.
Jones and his wife were not injured.
Cedar Posts Update:
Sources tell CP that Harry Jones and his wife Becky chased the thugs while calling 911. After four blocks the thugs (apparently there was more than one) managed to escape.
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/10/19/3608634/county-manager-wife-robbed-at.html#storylink=cpy
Main Stream Press Finally Picks Up CMPD Audit Story

CP prior posts here and here.
Cedar Posts first reported that dozens of CMPD Officers were "ordered" to provide new finger print cards in September of last year.

After reading Cedar Posts Blog as well as numerous CP tweets via twitter a couple of Charlotte's "Main Stream Media" started asking questions. But CMPD's public information officers as well as Department spokesman Rob Tufano denied that there was any issue regarding missing files.
Time and time again when more irregularities cropped up CMPD's Tufano would deny that there was an aduit underway or that there was truth to the reports of missing paperwork or missing criminal records of active officers.
At times telling one reporter to ignor crazy rumors started by Cedar Posts.
City News Watch picked up the story in October and even went as far as making a FOI request regarding the missing documents, only to be stonewalled by CMPD.
Well at last the truth, abiet with a good amount of CMPD spin has been reported by the Charlotte Observer:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg police are trying to reconcile paperwork errors after an audit by a state agency found deficiencies in certification and training records of nearly 100 officers.
Errors found by the N.C. Criminal Justice Standards Division include major and minor deficiencies in the paperwork for some 88 officers, about 5 percent of the department’s nearly 1,800 sworn officers. For some officers, past criminal charges were missing on several forms. On others, the results of drug screens were not present. Others are missing simpler things like a signature or a notary’s stamp.
Still, police leaders and the commission say most of the deficiencies were paperwork-related.
“The state hasn’t pulled their certification and hasn’t indicated that we need to pull (the officers) from the street,” said Deputy Chief Katrina Graue, who oversees administrative services.
The N.C. Judicial Standards Commission directed questions about the deficiencies to Noelle Talley, a spokeswoman for N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper.
In an e-mail, Talley said “The majority of the discrepancies identified have been corrected and (Criminal Justice) Standards staff are working with CMPD to resolve the remaining discrepancies. … It is not unusual for an agency to have some errors in its certification paperwork. However, the Commission and its staff are concerned whenever officers are working without being properly certified.”
At the Observer’s request, the Police Department provided the deficiencies reported in the audit, though the names of the officers involved were blocked out.
According to the audit:
• Every Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer was currently certified with a duty firearm and has completed mandated in-service training.
• 41 officers were deficient in some manner with mandated in-service training that was required in previous years.
• 47 officers were deficient in certification requirements.
• 21 officers had deficiencies related to the incorrect reporting of criminal charges. Some of the deficiencies reflected inconsistencies such as charges mentioned on some forms submitted by an applicant but not other forms.
The audit began last July, when staff at the Criminal Justice Standards Division realized three police officers on CMPD’s rolls were not on the agency’s list of certified officers.
The agency dug deeper into those three files, and “believed that it would be beneficial to the department for Standards Division staff to conduct a cursory audit of CMPD’s files,” according to a letter written to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe.
Starting last September, the division reviewed officers’ certification files. “Numerous issues were discovered in this expanded review, and the decision was made by the division to audit the files of all sworn officers,” the letter says.
The division spent the first seven months of this year reviewing the department’s files – a total of 1,792 officers.
Members of the Charlotte City Council’s Community safety committee members polled by the Observer at Wednesday’s community safety committee meeting said they had not been notified of the audit.
CP's Take: With a department as large as Charlotte's there are bound to be some slip ups, files that become lost, paperwork that is misplaced. But when the department repeatedly lies about an ongoing investigation it makes everything else the department does or says suspect.
CP Bonus: Sad that Charlotte's Main Stream Media is played by CMPD.
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/10/21/3613218/state-audit-finds-cmpd-paperwork.html#storylink=cpy
Providence High School Fires AD and Volleyball Coach
Providence High principal Tracey Harrill told the Observer Wednesday that she has replaced volleyball coach Amanda McGowan and athletics director Phillip Schundlemire.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools officials can’t comment further due to privacy issues. Efforts to reach Schundlemire and McGowan were unsuccessful.
McGowan was in her first season. She played high school, college (West Florida) and professional volleyball on several pro tours. She also coached at Northeastern (Fla.) High and Brevard College.
Harrill said she appointed Providence baseball coach Danny Hignight as interim replacement. Providence (18-6) is a No. 2 seed from the Southwestern 4A and upset Central Piedmont No. 1 seed Winston-Salem Reagan 3-2 on the road Tuesday. Providence plays at Piedmont Triad top seed Northwest Guilford (27-4) Thursday at 7 p.m.
Harrill said she appointed Charles Lansing as interim athletics director to replace Schundlemire, who remains on staff as a teacher.
Schundlemire was hired in July 2008, when he replaced Zoe Bell as AD at Providence. Prior to that, Schundlemire was AD at Hopewell, where he was also dean of students.
Read more here: http://obsprepspot.blogspot.com/2012/10/providence-high-dismisses-ad-volleyball.html#storylink=cpy
Taunting Panther's Fans Force Marine Amputee Out Of Moosehead Bar and Grill
According to the Charlotte Observer: "The incident happened after Garrett Carnes, his wife Courtney, their parents, and friends Brett and Nicole Coburn stopped at the restaurant for dinner after attending the Carolina Panthers’ game against Dallas. Several members of the party, including Garrett Carnes, were wearing Dallas Cowboys jerseys.
Coburn said that when the group reached the front door, the fan, who other patrons called Tank, was waiting for them."
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Josh "Tank" Watts and friend at a Panthers game. |
He said Tank told Garrett Carnes, “Don’t use your wheelchair as a crutch.”
According to multiple accounts of the incident, Carnes told the patron – and others who were ridiculing the group for being Cowboys’ fans – that he was a veteran and had lost his legs in Afghanistan.
Members of the Carnes-Coburn party tried to “defend ourselves verbally,” Brett Coburn said.
He said Tank walked toward Carnes in a threatening way, and some other patrons stepped in to break it up.
Neilsen said his employees are trained to separate possible combatants, in an effort to defuse such situations. On Sunday, staff members asked Garrett Carnes and his party to leave, while they took Tank to another area of the restaurant."
More about Garrett Carnes here and Deadspin picks up the story and takes in national here. The Daily Mail in the UK piled on this morning here.
Meanwhile the Moosehead Bar and Grill is getting slammed with neg comments on Yelp which is here. Moosehead's Yelp rating has "Tanked" to two stars out of five as Marines from across the nation hammer away at the four star rating the bar had this morning.
Cedar Posts suggests that Josh errr "Tank" may want to leave the state, or at least lay low for a few months. But as the following photos attest he just ain't that smart.

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Hey Marine Corps you guys suck! |
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/10/25/3620757/marine-who-lost-legs-is-forced.html#storylink=cpy
Panther's Fan Attack on Marine Family Fall Out Continues
Not surprisingly anger has been directed at the restaurant and bar that forced the Dallas Cowboys jersey wearing Marine Corporal and his family out the door.

The Moosehead Bar and Grill has been besieged with callers venting their anger. The bar has deleted their FaceBook page and their Yelp rating (a restaurant review guide) has "Tanked" as supporters of military personnel worldwide pile on the negative reviews for the small "dive bar" located in Charlotte's Park Road area.
Tank Watts has not fared much better as word spread of his verbal attack on the double amputee Afghanistan vet. Early Thursday morning, Watts deleted his Facebook account and contacted the Charlotte Observer to give "his side" of the events that lead to the attacks on Marine Corporal Garrett Carnes and his family.
Watts contacted the Charlotte Observer to give his version of the story telling the Observer, “He (Carnes) is a veteran, and I appreciate what he did for this country. But I don’t appreciate how abusive they were.”
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Garrett Carnes, of Mooresville, North Carolina pictured with family members including mom Rhonda, far left, and wife Courtney, far right |
Late last night Nicole Coburn posted this comment on the CP Blog:
"I was the friend there with Courtney and Garrett, my husband and I. He (Watts) was starting in on Courtney from the parking lot as she was getting Garrett's wheel chair out, and then was waiting for us as we walked into the door.
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Josh "Tank" Watts - FaceBook |
When Garrett Carnes tried to explain he was just a Vet who lost his legs in Afghanistan trying to have dinner with his family, Watts replied "Don’t use your wheelchair as a crutch.”
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/10/25/3620757/marine-amputee-charlotte-restaurant.html#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpy
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/10/25/3620757/marine-amputee-charlotte-restaurant.html#storylink=misearch#storylink=cpyNo doubt "Tank" will find it hard to escape his mouth and his actions when he returns to his reported Section 501 5th row 1st seat for the Panther's home game against the Denver Broncos on November 11th.
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Josh "Tank" Watts |
But calls for him to be fired from his part time Bobcats security job seem to have fallen on Micheal Jordan's often deaf ears.
Mean while the Charlotte Observer has removed Watts name from their original report. When asked why the "cleansed" revision, the reporter allegedly replied "they didn't want to be sued". It is unknown if this was a fear of being sued for outing Watts or the fear that something might happen to Watts and it would be attributed to the Observer story.
Cedar Posts Bonus: Coming up the complete Josh "Tank" Watts photo expose' you won't believe what we've uncovered, and later the poll. Drunks vs Marines.
Cedar's Take: While opening a major can of whoop ass on the "Tank" might get a few laughs and put the D-Bag in the hospital for a few days it really does nothing to help Cpl. Carnes.
We have all known Tanks, they are the assclowns who ruin our night out, spoil a good concert, ignore the no wake zone on the lake and force our fav bars to close early. They are the guys who yell "its in the hole" at the Masters, and cheer when the other team's player is taken off the field on a stretcher.
All we can do is hope is that Tank at some point in his life has a moment where he wakes up from his "everyone loves me" dream and looks in the mirror and discovers he is a jerk.
Better that we turn our attention to Cpl. Carnes who has up to this point made great progress in recovering from his horrific injuries. The insults hurrled at Cpl Carnes and his wife will endure he will not forget, he may forgive but we can help and show our support by contributing to the Semper Fi Fund or the Wounder Warrior Project as well as Cedar's choice the Gary Sinise Foundation.
That is all!
25 Kasım 2012 Pazar
Man arrested for DUI, fleeing and trying to bribe deputies
Deputy Juan Martin Reyes was on another call at the 30 milemarker of the highway when he spotted the black Hummer traveling at a high rateof speed northbound. The deputy pursued him, clocking 64 year old John Chaney inhis vehicle at speeds of up to 110 miles an hour. Chaney failed to stop for thedeputy until he reached the 37 mile marker of the highway, when he finallypulled over.
Chaney had trouble walking as he exited his car; heimmediately told deputies he was the owner of the company doing the roadconstruction work in Key West. He said he’d been working for 72 hours and justwanted to get home to Kendall and his 9 cats.
Chaney failed field sobriety exercises, and a breathalyzertest performed later confirmed he was impaired by alcohol. In his pocket was apill bottle with his name on it. The prescription was for Endocet, but thebottle contained two other substances not on the prescription.
As the deputy sat with Chaney at the Detention Center,Chaney told him he’d smuggled cocaine into the United States from Columbia, hadbeen involved with Pablo Escobar and had killed people in the past. He toldDeputy Reyes he should be afraid of him. He said he has other DUI arrests; hesaid the contract he has with the city is worth 14 million dollars and he offered the deputy $30,000.00 to tamper with the results of hisbreathalyzer test.
Deputy Reyes told him his honor was not for sale and hewould not be bribed for two million dollars. Chaney was charged with drivingunder the influence of alcohol, fleeing and eluding police, bribery and possessionof a controlled substance. He was booked into jail.
Three arrested for stealing beer and cigarettes
Three Marathon residents were arrested in the early morninghours for stealing beer and cigarettes from two convenience stores.
Deputies were dispatched to Dion’s Food Mart at 6203Overseas Highway at 4:25 a.m. A clerk reported someone entered the store with abandana on his face and stole two 12 packs of Heineken beer. The clerk said thesuspect left in a white older model mini-van, traveling northbound.
A short time later, a clerk at the Shell gas station at11100 Overseas Highway reported someone with a bandana on their face enteredthe store and stole a pack of Newport cigarettes. The clerk reported a similarvehicle description –a white older model mini-van.
Deputy Vince Weiner responded and saw a white mini-van inthe area behind the Shell station, driving with no headlights. He saw the vanpull into a home on 5th Avenue. He pulled behind the vehicle. Threepeople were inside. 26 year old James Beattie, 18 year old Bryan Echeverria anda 15 year old juvenile male all admitted to participating in the crimes. Theyall said Beattie was the one who wore the bandanna and went into the stores tosteal the beer and cigarettes.
Beattie was charged with two counts each of theft andwearing a mask in the commission of the crime. Echeverria and the 15 year oldwere charged with two counts each of theft.
Key Largo teen arrested for crime spree
The victim told deputies he was sleeping on the couch in hishome on 2nd Court in Key Largo Trailer Village. He said a noise wokehim at 5:20 a.m. When he sat up and looked around, he saw 18 year old ManuelArgomaniz inside his home. He fled on foot, down Kay Drive. The victimcalled the Sheriff’s Office and gave a description of Argomaniz and hisdirection of travel to dispatchers.
When Deputy Vaughn O’Keefe arrived he saw a dark colored
Deputy Pedro Garcia arrived as back up and the two deputiesbegan trying to handcuff Argomaniz. He fought with them, refusing to followtheir orders. As they were struggling to take him into custody more deputiesarrived on the scene. He was finally handcuffed and placed into a patrol car.He initially gave deputies a false name, and he continued to act violently anderratically as deputies continued to investigate his crimes.
Investigations by Detective Francisco Gaete revealed the carhe was driving had been stolen from a man who lives on Gordon Circle in KeyLargo. The owner said he leaves the car unlocked and the keys inside the car ona regular basis.
Three vehicles in Key Largo Trailer Village had beenburglarized overnight as well. Property stolen from those vehicles was found inArgomaniz’ possession. All three vehicles had been left unlocked by the owners.
Upon questioning, Argomaniz admitted to consuming vodka and “tripleCs” – an over the counter cold medication.
Argomaniz was booked into jail. He was charged with
Tavernier man charged with stolen auto
Deputy Pedro Garcia was on patrol at 11:30 p.m. when he sawa green Mazda 626 with a tag light out. He saw the car stop at the Tom Thumbconvenience store at the 102 mile marker; two people got out and went into thestore. They then exited the store quickly and got into the car. The cartraveled a short distance to the Circle K convenience store. The occupants wentinto the store, then exited quickly getting back in the car and leaving theparking lot northbound.
The deputy followed the car, intending to pull it over tocheck on its occupants. The car suddenly pulled off the highway, into the Twin Lakessubdivision. A few minutes later, Deputy Garcia found the vehicle abandoned.
Back up deputies responded and began searching theneighborhood. They detained several subjects who were walking around the area and could not explainwhy they were there. The subjects detained included three juveniles, an 18 yearold Key Largo teen and 20 year old Evelio Monteagudo of Tavernier.
A check on the vehicle revealed it was stolen from Miami.Upon questioning, the teens all said Monteagudo was driving the car and theywere all passengers. They said they stopped at the two stores to purchasecigarettes, but were unable to because they had no identification. They alladmitted to smoking marijuana in the car while Monteagudo was driving. Aplastic bag with marijuana inside was found in one of Monteagudo’s pocket.
Monteagudo was arrested. He was charged with grand theft ofa vehicle, driving with no license and possession of marijuana and he wasbooked into jail.
Man arrested for bomb threat
69 year old Juan Zigler handed postal clerks a garbled note whichthreatened to “blow up the hole florida keys”. He then threw an object over thecounter which initially looked, to the clerks, like a firecracker of some sort.
They called the Sheriff’s Office and, when Deputy JohnKeeney arrived, Zigler was still there. He was taken into custody. The objecthe threw appeared to be some sort of battery with a wire attached to it.
Zigler was charged with making a false report of a bomb andwith manufacturing or delivering a hoax bomb. He was booked into jail.