11 Kasım 2012 Pazar

The Immigration Debate

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54m4rV1ll4: Europeans are Rats, spreading diseases and plagues.

200mphz06: Europeans created the greatest societies, technology, medicines. Multiculturism has never helped Whites. Japan and China have been doing well economically because they limit immigration and avoid multiculturism. Name just one successful Black or Brown country.

54m4rV1ll4: your ignorance blinds you from the truth...... my people had a way of life your rat European ancestors destroyed it by bringing diseases, plagues, and genocide.

200mphz06: My people fought your people and you lost. Quit your bitching and accept defeat like a man.

me: Yeah, they killed all the buffaloes so that their People would have nothing to eat. Brought blankets infested with Smallpox to kill thousands of women and children. Takes no skill to kill with a bullet, like it does to shoot an arrow. Anyone can pull a trigger. Guns and diseased blankets given as "gifts" is cowardly fighting for pussies. You're the bitch and you don't even know it.

54m4rV1ll4: lol, right, your people kill millions of us and we are supposed to forget?, I'm glad you European rats are being wiped out in around the world.

200mphz06: I'm not asking you to forget. You got your ass beat. Take it like a man. Whites are waking up. You can see it in comments and vids made throughout the internet. If a country of Whites as small as the UK once ruled the world, many countries of Whites could easity do it again. We're too smart a people. Once again, take defeat like a man. Quit whining. You are disgracing your people.

me: Bull shit. We are all getting our asses whipped because you cannot defile the earth as our culture is doing, and survive as a species. Look at the oceans, full of microscopic plastic, full of radioactive isotopes from Fukushima, full of Corexit and black poison slime from the Deepwater Horizon. Look at the atomic tests, US govt. poisoning its own people. We lose the oceans and we are DONE, you fool. Don't you get it? They respected the earth, our culture rapes it and humanity will pay.


Can't get this video out of my head.

It shows what working on the computer (or talking on the cell phone) does to your blood.

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