25 Kasım 2012 Pazar

Man arrested for DUI, fleeing and trying to bribe deputies

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Big Pine Key – A Miami man is in jail today charged withfleeing from deputies, drunk driving, possession of a controlled substance andwith trying to bribe deputies with a large amount of money.

Deputy Juan Martin Reyes was on another call at the 30 milemarker of the highway when he spotted the black Hummer traveling at a high rateof speed northbound. The deputy pursued him, clocking 64 year old John Chaney inhis vehicle at speeds of up to 110 miles an hour. Chaney failed to stop for thedeputy until he reached the 37 mile marker of the highway, when he finallypulled over.
Chaney had trouble walking as he exited his car; heimmediately told deputies he was the owner of the company doing the roadconstruction work in Key West. He said he’d been working for 72 hours and justwanted to get home to Kendall and his 9 cats.
Chaney failed field sobriety exercises, and a breathalyzertest performed later confirmed he was impaired by alcohol. In his pocket was apill bottle with his name on it. The prescription was for Endocet, but thebottle contained two other substances not on the prescription.
As the deputy sat with Chaney at the Detention Center,Chaney told him he’d smuggled cocaine into the United States from Columbia, hadbeen involved with Pablo Escobar and had killed people in the past. He toldDeputy Reyes he should be afraid of him. He said he has other DUI arrests; hesaid the contract he has with the city is worth 14 million dollars and he  offered the deputy $30,000.00  to tamper with the results of hisbreathalyzer test.
Deputy Reyes told him his honor was not for sale and hewould not be bribed for two million dollars. Chaney was charged with drivingunder the influence of alcohol, fleeing and eluding police, bribery and possessionof a controlled substance. He was booked into jail.

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