Image source: David Dees Photos
I don't know what is going on up there in the sky. I only know that the more I read about weather modification and radio-frequency radiation, the more concerned I become that the activities are threatening life on the planet and human health. I am the furthest thing from an expert----but, I've always looked at the sky, from childhood growing up in the country. And I know the kind of jet trails one sees today are nothing like the mild ones I saw when growing up. Something of entirely different magnitude is happening up there.
So I'm going to start a blog just reporting what I see in the sky. Every day. Just a few notes. When one doesn't have answers, collecting whatever data possible and studying it over time for clues is just about all anyone can do.
I heard this song on the way in to work today and it's a perfect song to send out to all the pilots who are knowingly spraying, to the scientists working on the monster ionospheric heater systems including HAARP, to the atomic workers who are telling themselves that what the bosses told them about nuclear energy being safe, is the truth. And I am a party to the destruction in the sky, as well. I work in radio. Those radio waves are not harmless. Those satellites are not harmless up there. If anything, I am of this machine as much as anyone who makes a living from it. By "this machine", I mean today's society of machines which use earth's resources which must be ripped from the planet by other machines. It really is a vicious circle. But how does it stop?
If it weren't for a feeling of foreboding about the overall consequences of this system, I wouldn't write. By writing, it is at least, a sort of penance, and an attempt to stay true to the spirit of a storytelling tradition that seeks healing through the sharing of information and the comparing of notes and data. I am of this system as much as anyone, and thus, I am part of the machine of destruction, itself. So I am no better than anyone profiting from, or making a living, from polluting the environment.
Call them "chemtrails" or whatever you want; what cannot be argued is that our atmosphere is a closed system, and part of the system upon which our life depends; and humans are altering it. Questioning the possible consequences is not about a "need to believe in a freaky conspiracy in order to feel important." It is important: communicating about things not fully understood is how the human race finds its way into the future.
you face the blue and wish the roof would open up
but arches of commerce have made the sky corrupt
go down
break the code of death for profit
break the guns
break the silence of money
break the greedy unison
go down
maybe someday you'll come back to me
find the mystical connection find the dreams
under cynical wreckage find the winding conscious stream
go down
maybe someday you'll come back to me
Sam Phillips, 1992
Here's a site where someone's earnestly trying to figure out what the deal is with those jet trails in the sky.
Here's a site on Morgellon's Disease, which some believe to be related to plane spraying.
From the site:
A Morgellons friend sent me these two oscilloscopes photos. The readings are from him and another Morgellons sufferer. They held one lead in each hand. One lead was a grounded neutral and one lead to the scope.

Under normal circumstances people do not register signals on an oscilloscope. Tests were taken inside a Faraday cage the signal is coming from us. It is satellite frequency.
Things that get sprayed: ContrailScience.com
When a plane takes off they are usually full of fuel. At this point they are too heavy to safely land (it’s a lot easier on a plane to take off than to land). If they have to cut their trip short, then they have to get rid of that excess weight. They can just fly around for hours to burn it off, but some planes have a fuel dump system that lets them get rid of the excess fuel rapidly by just dumping it into the air. This is often from vents at the end of the wing, but sometimes it’s mid-wing, or at the tail.

The above site has some great photos and lots of interesting information. Most interesting is that the author seems to admit chemical elements like aluminum are being sprayed, but that they're not "chemtrails." However I had to laugh at this comment someone named "faithinsience" left. He is responding to the comments in parentheses, which were from an earlier post in the conversation.
[i dont know if they are chemtrails. but i do know the difference between natural forming clouds and chemtrail overcast.]
No, there is no such thing as “chemtrail overcast”. They are persistent and persistent spreading contrails. They are simply man made clouds and the “overcast” is simply ice crystals created from the water vapor from the jet engines created when ambient air is drawn in, compressed and then ignited with jet fuel. Calling the trails “chemtrails” doesn’t make it so..
[If i can find the web page again, there was an actual doctors chart note on a patient (anonymous) in the Santa Cruz area that had lung tissue samples taken for upper respitory infection. What they found was aluminum and barium polymers that were tested at 6 times the toxic amount that the EPA has given us.]
And did it also say on the chart that the “barium and aluminum” came from the sky or from the trails in the sky, or from some sort of factory or industrial setting? Is it “normal” to just “assume” that this patient was exposed to these things through “chemtrails” when there is no evidence to support the claim?!
[Sometimes you need to step outside ur comfort zone and open ur eyes a bit more to something that could affect your future. I just think knowing a bit more about a subject that could be going on is better than being naive and then having nothing but the news to tell you whats going on, which we know is hardly ever true.]
The “news”?!? Who uses “the news” to learn about the world around us?! Why would you even suggest such a thing? Are you aware of this thing we have now called “college education”??! Or, are those part of “the news”?! “comfort zone”?! Sorry, I can’t unlearn the facts I learned in college and train my mind to accept crap I find online. Sorry, the simple and basic science that explains the trails in the sky is solid, despite your ignorance of that fact. In fact, I can’t remember ever “learning” anything from “the news” other than the local news, and the weather. I don’t even watch TV news…at all! WHEN will you “knowing a bit more about the subject” of “chemtrails”?! You certainly know NOTHING bout the trails in the sky now! And are you suggesting that what you find on the internet on youtube and conspiracy sites is more often “true” than what’s on “the news”?! Holy crap!
Timetowakeup replied to faithinscience:
easy faithinscience, if u went to college you would learn that in debating, you DONT bash on the opposing side, rather you support and state your opinion and give the fact of the possibility of it being true, and dont try to pull this college education crap with me, I attend WSU and am now receiving my bachelors in medical science. So dont be to quick to judge.
Also if you read my response correctly, i never said that you had to learn anything or learn everything from the news, i clearly stated that “the news would be telling you whats going on, which we know is hardly ever true”.
if your going to persuade someone that the “contrails” are just ice crystals and not chemicals being sprayed, try being a bit more docile, cuase when you bash, i dont wanna absorb anything you say, and yes i will be ignorant. I will be ignorant until i know the full truth.
Yes you have a college education in aviation or idk, that doesnt mean that you know anything about military propaganda, or New World Order propaganda. For instance i was taught that the Swine Flu Vaccination (2008-2009), was going to be the end of the Swine Flu. I then later found out that the vaccination was full of toxic fillers that could lead some people to have suppressed immune systems, autism, Alzheimer’s and etc. So please, respond next time with a little more consideration that i have knowledge as well that you will never know.
Faithinscience, have you ever been in the military? if not please dont tell me whats going on and not going on, i know for just the littlest part that the military and our commanders never told us what was “really” going on. Thanks though, your points are valid and true, just trying to sort out my speculation with hard evidence."
Faithinscience responded:
Hypocrite! You are the one doing the bashing here. I’m done with you…believe what you want. Oh, by the way, there is no “debate”. Chemtrails are a hoax, you just refuse to accept it.
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