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Meteorologist Scott Stevens identifies chemtrails on radar pictures.
As of today, November 20 2012, the sky was loaded full of jet trails. Lots and lots and lots of them.
A comment made by Weatherwars, which I think is Scott Stevens, got me wondering. There is a statement in the comments section of the video saying there are giant refueling docks in the sky so the planes never have to come down.
That's just wacky.
So I searched a little and found this page.
There's talk that the 'chemtrails' issue is disinfo.
And, well, it might be.
The notion it's disinfo, might be disinfo itself. So, who knows?
But here's a link indicating this guy might be full of baloney.
Check the discussion here at
NISKAYUNA Weatherman Scott Stevens has resigned from WRGB (Channel 6) after station management accused him of lying about his credentials.
In a statement read during Tuesday's 6 p.m. broadcast, David Lynch, vice president and general manager, said WRGB ``hired Scott Stevens to be chief meteorologist based on faulty information provided by Scott'' and his agency WRGB subsequently learned that ``Scott has never completed the necessary academic course of studies that would lead him to the official title of meteorologist, '' according to the statement read by anchorwoman JoAnne Purtan.
Lynch's statement emphasized that Stevens' allegedly false presentation of his credentials and the station's concern for its integrity was the issue, not Stevens' performance.
"Stevens' resume, obtained by the Times Union, lists his title at three previous places of employment as ``meteorologist.'' The resume, however, does say that he is a member of the American Meteorologist Society, a trade group open only to people with specific academic credentials.
A call to the AMS said that there was no member named Scott Stevens (or even Robert Scott Stevens, the name on top of his resume). A representative of the AMS said in order to be a meteorologist, one must
have a bachelor of science in meteorology; or a BS in a related science such
as physics, plus 12 credits in meteorology; or several credits in specific ourses in five core areas."
More on Mr. Stevens (and this video in particular) here.
Even if Stevens is whack, that doesn't mean something isn't going on up there. But there is always (and most often) the possibility that there is absolutely no way to get the truth on the Net about what is going on. If the computer is as controlled as I'm beginning to believe it is, there's going to be plenty that just gets shut down.
Doesn't mean I'm not going to be watching the sky, though.
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